Guidelines For All Classes
* Please inform the studio if you are unable to attend class (give 2+ hours notice). If most students will be gone, the studio will reschedule class, but only if there is enough notice to contact all students.
* In the case of inclement weather, the studio will make a closure announcement via email/text (existing students) and email/facebook (new students). Safety first!
*REGULAR ATTENDANCE IS ENCOURAGED and contributes significantly to skill development. If you are unable to attend class, please contact the studio to see if make-up opportunities are available. BDB sessions require 90% attendance/completion or instructor approval to advance to next session.
* Please arrive on time to class - this helps guarantee our schedules. If you arrive more than 15 minutes early to your class time, you may be interrupting another session- please wait outside the studio (due to limited space).
NOTE: If you will be arriving late, please be aware of your fellow students and come into the studio quietly, use the restroom to change, stretch at the back of the room, etc. before joining.
*Please do not chew gum in class.
*Please turn off cell phone ringers in class.
* No children in the studio please - our space does not contain a separate waiting area and there is open access to props/dance items that are not suitable for children.
* Minimum age for all students is 18 years old unless special permission is acquired.
* Refunds will not be offered on prepaid class sessions (studio-approved refunds only). Individuals who join a session that has already started will only get a studio-approved discount, if applicable.
*Punch cards are offered at a discounted price. Not all classes allow drop-ins, and drop-in rates will vary by class.
NOTE: Punch cards expire 1 year after purchase (updated 12/8/2019).
* Please pay for classes/purchases with cash/check/card. If you are buying a costume or something more expensive, the studio offers payment plans.
* Keep classes to dancing instead of chitchat – there will always be time before/after classes to catch up with friends, discuss upcoming events, and ask questions. Remember… you are paying for the class, so make sure you get the most out of it!
*Treat all other students/troupe members with respect! If there are any personal issues/grievances in class, please speak privately to the instructor or studio owner first to see if an appopriate solution can be reached.
* In the case of inclement weather, the studio will make a closure announcement via email/text (existing students) and email/facebook (new students). Safety first!
*REGULAR ATTENDANCE IS ENCOURAGED and contributes significantly to skill development. If you are unable to attend class, please contact the studio to see if make-up opportunities are available. BDB sessions require 90% attendance/completion or instructor approval to advance to next session.
* Please arrive on time to class - this helps guarantee our schedules. If you arrive more than 15 minutes early to your class time, you may be interrupting another session- please wait outside the studio (due to limited space).
NOTE: If you will be arriving late, please be aware of your fellow students and come into the studio quietly, use the restroom to change, stretch at the back of the room, etc. before joining.
*Please do not chew gum in class.
*Please turn off cell phone ringers in class.
* No children in the studio please - our space does not contain a separate waiting area and there is open access to props/dance items that are not suitable for children.
* Minimum age for all students is 18 years old unless special permission is acquired.
* Refunds will not be offered on prepaid class sessions (studio-approved refunds only). Individuals who join a session that has already started will only get a studio-approved discount, if applicable.
*Punch cards are offered at a discounted price. Not all classes allow drop-ins, and drop-in rates will vary by class.
NOTE: Punch cards expire 1 year after purchase (updated 12/8/2019).
* Please pay for classes/purchases with cash/check/card. If you are buying a costume or something more expensive, the studio offers payment plans.
* Keep classes to dancing instead of chitchat – there will always be time before/after classes to catch up with friends, discuss upcoming events, and ask questions. Remember… you are paying for the class, so make sure you get the most out of it!
*Treat all other students/troupe members with respect! If there are any personal issues/grievances in class, please speak privately to the instructor or studio owner first to see if an appopriate solution can be reached.
Covid-19 and other Respiratory Illness Requirements (last updated January 2024)
*Do not enter if you are currently experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, RSV, or other contagious respiratory illnesses.
*Do not enter if you recently had direct contact with a person diagnosed with Covid-19 in the past 2 week (please allow 10 days from the date of exposure before returning to class).
*If you tested positive for Covid-19, do not enter class until you have tested negative, symptoms are improving after 5+ days, you are fever-free, etc. > see for exact guidelines.
*As of January 2023, face masks are optional in the studio. However, you are requested to wear a mask if you are experiencing respiratory symptoms such as cough and runny nose. Physical fitness/exertion while ill may also have negative effects on your overall health.
**At our studio, safety is our top priority, especially considering the presence of immunocompromised individuals among our students, teachers, and their families. To safeguard everyone and ensure a consistent and uninterrupted dance experience, we recommend getting the Covid-19 vaccine. That stated, we do respect individual choices, so if you choose to join classes without being vaccinated, please keep in mind that you do so at your own risk. Our collective effort towards a safer space greatly benefits the entire dance community and supports our shared commitment to health and well-being.
*Do not enter if you recently had direct contact with a person diagnosed with Covid-19 in the past 2 week (please allow 10 days from the date of exposure before returning to class).
*If you tested positive for Covid-19, do not enter class until you have tested negative, symptoms are improving after 5+ days, you are fever-free, etc. > see for exact guidelines.
*As of January 2023, face masks are optional in the studio. However, you are requested to wear a mask if you are experiencing respiratory symptoms such as cough and runny nose. Physical fitness/exertion while ill may also have negative effects on your overall health.
**At our studio, safety is our top priority, especially considering the presence of immunocompromised individuals among our students, teachers, and their families. To safeguard everyone and ensure a consistent and uninterrupted dance experience, we recommend getting the Covid-19 vaccine. That stated, we do respect individual choices, so if you choose to join classes without being vaccinated, please keep in mind that you do so at your own risk. Our collective effort towards a safer space greatly benefits the entire dance community and supports our shared commitment to health and well-being.